an ordinary miracle

Gladiius a woman with principles who doesn't care what others think or how would they react .. no matter what criticism she might get , she always passes by with pride because she is different ..

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quit being so demure

my darlings


my memories

July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

i'd like to thank

Design: parading sentiments .
Resources: headlock.ws 3zehn.org

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
10:48 PM
Losing your way !

Gd morning,

Starting to lose your way, can?t understand your surroundings and tired from the pushy people in your life. Feeling like you are walking and walking in a destination that leads to a dead end. You have a typical routine in your everyday life without any enjoyment. Then you have to reprioritize your dreams and objectives in life. Sometimes when you are up to you neck and totally pressured you reach a point where you goals in your mind become so blurry and you are unable to have a rational behavior on any situation. Flash your mind back to the overwhelming moments in your life and you?ll start looking to things differently.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Now back to my baby who is in Week 20 by now :P

The baby now can hear sounds, basically mummy?s voice ? He covers his ears by his hands if a loud sound is made near me and it may become startled and jump. The baby is moving often, too -- twisting, turning, wiggling, punching and kicking but my baby is driving me crazy he kicked twice and that?s it :@

So now I am in the midpoint of my pregnancy and starting to socialize with more pregnant women :P it feels good when you talk about to women under your same category ?Pregnancy?. One of the embarrassing situation I encountered lately, is that I just fused up when I kept calling my midwife several times without getting any response and when she answered me yesterday I told her about one of the prescribed medicines by her and explained the problems I was getting nausea and dizziness. Then she asked me Gladiius how many tablets are you taking, I said two, she told me I asked you to take only and only one. Felt her answer like a slap in my face .. a big embarrassment actually :P

That?s all,

Gladiius @ 10:48 PM
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Monday, July 20, 2009
10:14 PM
Week 18 Baby :)

The feeling of mom to be is mixture of feelings to me, strange, nice and freaky. I had the worse three months in the first trimester where I encountered unexpected symptoms since it?s the first baby. It?s very difficult to cope between pregnancy, marriage, work and university while you are struggling with your symptoms. Anyways, that becomes history now, I am enjoying now my second trimester with little relief :P
Yesterday was an unforgettable day to me when my midwife told me the sex of my baby. Family and my beloved best friend were so curious to know as well as mummy (me :P). While the ultrasound is performed, I was like okay where the clue of the baby identity is. If my midwife doesn?t tell me what?s every part means I wouldn?t understand where is the head, the spine, the hands and legs because the image is kinda of blurry and strange :P. Then we reached to the place of the identify and surprisingly the baby turned the back and crossed the leg. When my midwife tried again, she figured out the identity, the baby is a he :)
Now I can chat with the baby comfortably choosing the proper language :P

Gladiius @ 10:14 PM
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4:03 AM
1st Post

I write my 1st post to thank my mentor Naima for showing me myself from another angle .. and my bestie for creating the blog and this inspiring layout


Gladiius @ 4:03 AM
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