Lately I had so many troubles in my life that made me unable to enjoy any moment of it and life purpose to me became so vague. I had many problems and I couldn't forget the dark turning point. Frankly speaking, I reached a point where I burst into tears for the slightest things that made my surroundings wonder of the underlying causes. Then things went from bad to worse and I became more than ever miserable, I could barely crack a smile and I couldn't take any calls since I am avoiding the social life. Then one day, my manager, friends and I met @wildpeeta who started talking about his business and how it took a period of 8 years to turn his dream into reality of having the world's first fusion Shawarma restaurant which is so unique and has both western and local touches.

On the same day my friends and I attended the conference
"women doing business in the middle east" having the speaker Aida to give her speech. She mentioned many areas of her personality and experiences that radiated confidence and strong determination. She opened doors I never even knew existed.

After a period of time, I had a coaching session by my IT manager discussing about the reasons of being me so demotivated and despair. My beloved have different issues than mine and since they are not in my shoes, they are not so involved of the pressure I am going through but that doesn't mean they don't care or love me. Then she asked me to create a happy and unforgettable moment.
Actually, having all the new experiences made me acutely aware of my deficiencies and made the life purpose more vivid in my own eyes and that by itself a happy moment. "Although we can't always choose what happens to us, we can choose what we do with what happens".