My days become so dull and I am unable to be the usual social being creature anymore. I reached a level where I cannot feel that my beloved has any space in my heart. I wonder if that is caused by the fluctuated pregnancy hormones. :P
Anyhow, let's discuss the main and sub topics I want to share with you today. What's love? Love is about providing tender loving care, cooperation and respect. If you don't find any one of them, your relation can never last. If you are in your worst condition and your partner never cared for once or showed any respect, how the love would continues. Do you think they deserve you at your best? If you gave your partner all the chances and you let it goes and he/she is back to the old obnoxious treatment, do you think you can be an ideal person for them. If they let you shed your tears day after day for their disrespect and selfishness, can you carry on and pretend that nothing happened.
I was thinking today, careless people who let you down all the time and treat you badly, don't really deserve your sacrifice and care. Every person has his/her own goals in life and patience can runs out in a day and what become broken remains unfixable. You cannot sacrifice your goals and ambitions for people who don't worth it. Why would I live in a hell to please people who never meant anything for me in a day and never had a love story with them?
Then I thought about love or traditional marriage which one do you think is more successful. My dad told me once "Marriage is like a box of chocolate, you cannot guarantee which chocolate you'll like" and I cannot agree more. More often I think that the society we are living in Dubai always blame a woman if she had the decision of getting divorced no matter who miserable or pained she feels in her relationship. Sometimes women reach a dead end with their hubbies where they can't stand being with them a single moment but again she should be patient and let it goes.Islam point of view is "It is better for a woman to be patient and put up with her husband, especially if they have children. No household is free from arguments. But if her husband is mistreating her very badly and she cannot bear it, then she may get divorced".

Shar'I opinion on this matter is that "the husband must respect his wife and pay attention to her needs so that she will respect him and pay attention to his" and "If she works outside the house, it is praiseworthy for the husband to hire house help to relieve her from too heavy a burden. The wife's duties do not require her to feed her child, nor even to nurse it, nor to clean nor cook. It is the husband's duty to provide a nursemaid, food for older children, and servants to clean and cook. However, if the wife does those things out of mercy and love, it is a gift to the husband on her part". According to the wife?s responsibilities, it's not required as stated to treat wives as servants because it's not of her duty.
At the end "It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages".Have a gd day :)
Obviously, being a professional and creative writer is a natural talent that is not within everyone's power. The writer can be a master at plays on words that touch the reader's heart and change the readers' state of mind. When writers encounters people who have hit their bottom, their words can convince them that it's still worth moving on to reach the happiness world where everything is nice and colorful. I really value writers who spend an effort choosing the meaningful words and raising certain issues that interest million of readers. A piece of writing that can change a person's life and lead them to the right path.
The reason why I am writing today is to express my deep happiness and real thrill of being my best friend chosen among many to participate with a team and start posting her articles. The moment she informed me about it, I knew deep down that it was a dream that finally becomes true. I really wish you all the best and wish you ongoing successfulness. :)
All the best
This is an article i wrote before stating the story of the abused child by her father and step mother and loved to share it with you ..
Children are angels from heaven and all of them are equal in innocence and purity. Yet, they are different in circumstances and need. A child builds his/her character till the age of seven years which is so vivid in the way they interact with their surroundings. So to have a successful parenting, parents should focus on their children well being and advancement. Scientifically, the adult is the problem in child raising, not the child. In other words, parents should explore the best techniques to be followed with their children rather than blaming them or hurt them emotionally or physically.
Let's go back to the main point I am trying to raise here which made me fused up and put all my annoyance into words. Some parents lack parental skills which lead children to go astray or end them in having psychological problems. Surprisingly, I was completely shocked and astonished with the brutal attack the kid Nouf has been exposed to from her heartless step mother. The woman excuse was that Nouf is so stubborn and she needed to be taught a lesson. What an excuse!
Nouf was subjected to severe physical torture with no mercy. She had her body burned with hot metal tool, ironed, beaten and shamefully with the knowledge of her father. This innocent kid who has been treated so badly is in the hospital getting a medical care. I just want to know where we are living. How people can neglect all the Islamic values and treat children with such aggression.
"The Prophet gave an example of someone who will be admitted to Paradise because he gave water to a thirsty dog, and another example of a woman who will be sent to Hell because she locked a cat in a cage, without feeding it or letting it go free". If such punishment concerned a woman who had such an act with an animal, then the punishment is severe when the torture involves a human being.
Justice is needed and the tragic situation must be taken into consideration and fairness to help the abused child Nouf and provide her with the needed care. Also the court should give the custody of Nouf to her mother because of the father's negligence.
From this horrific cruelness, I really see that we should put strict rules to prevent such child abuse and neglect. Besides, the awareness on how to raise healthy children and how to communicate with them in the country is very crucial. Since violence shouldn't be used heartlessly with children, such awareness is extremely needed. There are always other ways to deal with children. Parents should be protecting kids not harming and overwhelm them with fear and harm. "Stop Harming Children, just stop it".
After one week of this horrific incident, the law carried the needed penalty of being sentenced to 7 years and paying 160,000 compensation to the little girl who suffered physcially ..
Have a good day :)